On Friday June 3, 2016 Matthew “Tew Tam” White visited the staff at Academy Art & Frame Company to sign his photographs before the final framing steps. Curator Cas Foste snapped just a few images during the signing that Tew Tam will use as part of the promotion for his upcoming exhibit “Isolated Tanquility”. The exhibition will be on display July 1, 2016 through August 31, 2016 at the Art in the Park Gallery at Cheyenne Mountain State Park, 410 State Park Road.
The artist statement for the show is as follows:
Matthew White has set out in his new series Isolated Tranquility to forego the stud y of the human form as the primary subject and in its stead concentrate on feelings and emotions evoked by a subject as the primary subject. This series has isolated the composition from the clutter of the traditional landscape, while bringing a spotlight to elements of tranquility found in nature. The continuing themes are of images portraying everyday moments that are often overlooked. The simplified backgrounds are intended to lead the viewer to focus in on the conceptual complexity of the serene. A male deer surrounded by pure white snow is an example of the complex feelings of tranquil calmness. The viewer is left with a balance of simple form and complex feelings. A simple tree with complex tones, textures and patterns draws its viewers attention in while simultaneously creating a sense of tranquil harmony in the world.
From his early works, the artist Matthew White’s conceptual themes have focused on the artistic process as much as the end product representing the final art form. His earlier series isolated the human subject in the frame while finding harmony, balance and emotion with a heavy influence of romanticism with the imagery. Thus he portrays everyday moments that are often overlooked.
Isolated Tranquility continues with the principles of these previous projects. Now the human subject is not the major focus of the composition. The primary subject is replaced with a feeling that is identified through the harmony and emotion of naturally occurring forms. It stays true to the ideals of romanticism with compositional influences of modern minimalism. Camouflaged in nature are moments and feelings that bring tranquility. These elements can be seen and felt in long walks in the countryside or through a majestic forest. Often we as the human viewer can’t put our finger on the exact visual emotion. The principle objective of the Isolated Tranquility project is to leave the viewer with a feeling of tranquility as the primary subject in harmony within the landscape.