We had a delightful time at the 3rd Friday reception for the High School Student Ceiling Tiles! It was great to put some faces to the amazing pieces. This year showcases 13 tiles from 6 different schools and as usual the voting for Best Ceiling Tile has commenced! You can vote for your favorites both in store and online; winners from each will receive a gift certificate to the shop for framing or art.
Please drop by anytime during business hours to get a good look at the tiles (they are 4 feet by 4 feet), then vote on your favorite 3. Once you are home or on your mobile device go to https://www.facebook.com/2012AFCHighSchoolCeilingT… , click on photos, then on the album for 2016 ceiling tiles and LIKE your favorites. Each LIKE counts as a vote.
Voting goes until February 14, 2017. You can vote every time you come to visit us!