This family show is an exploration of creativity through the eye of the camera and the canvas and brush. It allows the viewer to experience moments through the eyes of different members of the family and expression through different media and manipulations. The exhibit hangs through out June with the 3rd Friday Reception June 17, 4-7 p.m.
Robert’s Artist Bio:
Engineer turned artist; Robert Gray brings a fresh eye to photography with a raw intimacy that
captures the human spirit. Robert’s love of the arts, creativity and adventure led him to
photography back in 2008 while he was in Egypt. This was the beginning of his journey to
master the art of storytelling.
Robert’s dynamic style of storytelling guides the viewers’
imagination to run rampant with their own creativity, while simultaneously reaching them on an emotional level.
Robert loves to experiment with his art. Although his portfolio is vast in its diversity, his focus is
helping people work through their past traumas through the creation of tableaux. Street
photography is also a huge influence in most of his artistic storytelling. He has been known to
use whatever medium necessary to tell his story.
Robert’s passion for helping people has led him to work with various mental health groups
throughout Colorado. Anywhere from teaching photography and holding workshops to public
speaking at Events and Symposiums.
Robert has received several awards including Top 100 Best New Photographers of 2015, 27
features in Fine Art America as well as numerous guest appearances in art galleries, magazines,
and international art catalogues.
You can see more of Robert’s art at the links below.