• 7560 N Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO


You’re invited to our August Book Signing Reception for our 7 th annual exhibition of How Do You See God? This exhibit invites all artists in the region to share their thoughts and beliefs through unique works of art. It is open to all faiths and beliefs, as well as all media, all ages, and 2D or 3D works. This year’s exhibit is showcasing 59 amazing artists with 118 pieces. The Book Signing Reception is a chance to meet most of the artists and see their work and if you purchase a book, you can get a book full of signatures!

This years book features all the images in the exhibit and is now in stock and for sale. The price is $57.90, includes tax. Please call or come into the shop to reserve your copy as there is only a limited amount on hand.

This years cover image is Blessings, a photograph created by Renee Reiko Campbell.

The exhibit opened on July 10 th and runs through August 30th. The 3 rd Friday Reception in August is the Book Signing Reception and will be held August 18 from 4-8pm.


Join us throughout July and August for our 7 th annual exhibition of How Do You See God?

This exhibit invites all artists in the region to share their thoughts and beliefs through unique works of art. It is open to all faiths and beliefs, as well as all media, all ages, and 2D or 3D works.
This year’s exhibit is showcasing 59 amazing artists with 118 pieces and by August the full exhibition will be digitalized and formatted into an 8 x 10 table top book. Cover artist and price to be announced in August.

The exhibit opens on the 10 th with the 3 rd Friday Reception on July 21 from 4-8pm.
The August 3 rd Friday Reception is the Book Signing Reception and will be held August 18 from 4-8pm.