Peak Digital Imaging Society is a local photography and digital art club, and holds monthly meetings, meeting 9 months out of the year (no meetings in August, November or December) on the 4th Thursday from 7-9pm. For 2021, the group will be meeting via Zoom. You can find out more about the group and upcoming meetings on their Facebook page.
Academy Art & Frame Co. hosts PDIS’s annual photography/digital art show every February. This year the exhibit is only digital due to Covid 19 restrictions. All the images in the video are available for purchase at almost any size. Contact AAFC if you are interested in a purchase. All images in the video are copyrighted by the artists.
2021 is the Sesquicentennial for Colorado Springs, CO and to honor our beautiful city, the theme showcases images from the Colorado Springs area.
The artists in this video are:
Duane Birkey, Cas Foste, Heather Hughes, Chris Nelson, Walt Palmer, Linda Pearce, Robin Schneider, Jim Van Hoy, Marjorie Van Hoy, and Bill Young.
PDIS is open to all ages and all skill levels. They hold 3 meetings that are Competitions, 3 that are mini workshops, and 3 speakers from the digital world. There are no dues, it is a free club.