The Black and White Exhibit is a showing of black and white photography and digital art by members of Peak Digital Imaging Society (PDIS). The exhibit is in it’s 4th year and has been on display at the London Commercial Group, Manitou Art Center, and Dream Catcher’s. 2016 the exhibit will be on display at Academy Art & Frame Company throughout the months of November and December. An artist reception will be held on Friday, November 18th, from 4-8pm at AAFC 7560 N. Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. Join us dressed in Black and White for refreshments and friends.
PDIS was co-founded in 2000 by photographers Bill Young and Mark Kirkland and is one of the oldest digital art clubs. Although the majority of members are photographers, they welcome any and all digital media and love to hear about any new digital softwares and devices. The group meets 9 months out of the year, hosting speakers, having mini workshops, and has 3 juried competitions a year. The group has had speakers such as John Paul Caponigro, John Fielder, Dan Burkholder and Glenn Randall, to name only a few.
Current president Cas Foste and chairman Bill Young were just recently interviewed by Judith McKay on Voices and Views , a radio show on KCMJ. Learn even more about PDIS by listening to the show on demand at Or join the Peak Digital Imaging Society Yahoo Group to get emails on upcoming meetings and events, and friend us on Facebook. PDIS meets the 4th Thursday each month except for August, November, and December at the Senior Center 1514 N. Hancock, Colorado Springs from 7-9 pm.