Art Aloud 2021
The Cauldron Outdoor Art Gallery and Events at Rocky Mountain Brewery 5994 Terminal, Co. Springs, CO 80915 Reception:
APRIL 10th, 3-8 P.M.
Academy Art & Frame Co.
7560 N. Academy Blvd. CS 80920
3rd Friday Outdoor Reception
APRIL 16th, 3-7 p.m.
Join us throughout April in celebration of National Poetry Month. Art Aloud is an opportunity for writers, poets and artists to share their work, as well as collaborate, in appreciation of National Poetry Month. Artists have created work based on a poem, story, lyrics, quotes, or anything to do with the written word, and vice versa for writers and authors. Both the artwork and written word must be displayed together but not necessarily designed as one piece. This is the 13th year for Art Aloud. Below is the reception date for each venue and each will have a live reading given by the artists and anyone who would like to share their work or favorite poet. Music is absolutely “aloud” to be shared! This show is open to all mediums and all ages.
This year, Academy Art & Frame Company has collaborated with the Cauldron Outdoor Art Gallery at Rocky Mountain Brewery to bring a truly dynamic exhibition of local artists and writers. Both venues are offering unique receptions this year. AAFC is having the first of many Outdoor Receptions with vendor booths set up in the parking lot and a stage for the Open Mic part of the reception. The Cauldron Outdoor Art Gallery is a fun outdoor space with walls and doors available for mural artists to paint. And if there is still space available there may even be live painting during the reception! We might even get a space for the kids to paint! There will also be a live reading while patrons enjoy a yummy beer from Rocky Mountain Brewery.