Karin & Art Truckenbrodt Estate Sale
3rd Friday Reception on October 16, 4-7 p.m.
Show hangs throughout October
Recently, a dear friend and patron of Academy Art & Frame Co. passed on, leaving us in charge of her massive art estate. Karin and Art were major supporters of the arts, collecting art from beginner and professional artists alike. They supported local artists, Native American artists, and amassed an abundance of collectable prints. Oils, acrylics, pastels and watercolors were among the collection alongside Navajo sand paintings, Navajo weavings, jewelry, and Kachina Dolls. Artists include Jan Kirkpatrick-oils, Keith Silversmith- Navaho sand painting, Eugene Baatsoslanii Joe- Navajo sand paintings, Robert Redbird Sr. and Jr.- Watercolors/ signed/numbered prints, Enoch Kelly Haney- signed/numbered prints, Deborah King- watercolor, Dan Riddle- watercolors, and many more.
We have documented and priced everything to the best of our ability and are ready to pass on her beautiful collected works to the world. We will display as much of her work as possible for the month of October but to view the full collection catalog please contact us. The majority of the proceeds will be put towards the future education of her two young granddaughters.