PDIS Macro Show
This annual group exhibit reigns in on anything that is Macro, the smaller scales of the world that are often overlooked. Come to the 3rd Friday reception on Feb 21st 4-8 pm and for those who can’t make it, the show will be hanging from February 4th – 29th.
Peak Digital Imaging Society (PDIS) is a digital art and photography club in the Pikes Peak region. Bill Young and Mark Kirkland, both local professional photographers, started PDIS in 2000. The group offers an opportunity for professional and amateur digital artists to get feedback on current works and to stay in the loop with the digital world.
PDIS is open to all ages and all skill levels. They hold 3 meetings that are Competitions, 3 that are mini workshops, and 3 speakers from the digital world. There are no dues, it is a free club.